Thursday, October 29, 2009


It's my dream come true.
Got a job@Berripop!
I hope I do well; it's my first job.
I'm so paranoid that I'll get fired for... I don't know, like not cleaning the floors properly, abusing my employee discount, eating too much froyo, etc.
Man, I'm such a freak.

On another note, got a good score on my SAT.
2010!!! HALLELUJAH! Praise the Lord. :)
Homecoming's this Saturday. I'm pretty pumped.
Good Italian food, hardcore dancing, glamour, friends. Fantastic.
Hopefully it won't be too awkward between me and my date.

So much homework to do this weekend.
Knowing me, I'll probably get like 25% of it done on Friday, procrastinate until Sunday night, and finish it frantically.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tapioca overload and cake cracks.

I had a small Almond Milk Tea today@Royal Tapioca. It tasted like almond extract. :(
Got a Mango slushie w/tapioca for Mom and a Peach Jasmine Tea slushie w/jelly for my sister.
I tried the peach slushie and instantly regretted getting the stupid nut one. Ended up drinking a third of it. Go me.

Hospital bake sale tomorrow.
Just spent 3.5 hours baking the Oatmeal-Raspberry bars and the dairy-free chocolate cake.
Realized that I have no cake box so I will be transporting it in an odd light-green plastic Tupperware container.
I hope Earl won't be disappointed.
Also, as I was transporting the cake from the cake pedestal to the box, it nearly split in two. There's a small fissure at the top. I covered it up with extra frosting.
Ugh. There goes 3 hours of my life. I tried to make it perfect and look what happened.