Sunday, May 16, 2010

How My Dad Took His Friend's Birthday Cake Away.

My dad told me to make a cake for his friend, since it was his birthday.
It took me a few hours, but I had great fun with it. I gave it to my father to give to his friend.
When my dad came back, I opened the door for him- mostly to make sure that he brought my Wilton Cake box back. He did.
The cake was still in it, left uneaten.
The point of the story?
My dad wanted to eat my cake so much that he didn't give it to his friend.
I'm flattered... just surprised at my dad's selfish intentions. Haha.
I love my dad.

This cake is another Coffee-Walnut cake, just decorated differently.
There are blackberries under the chocolate "leaf"!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day&School Dances

For my mom, I wrote her a card, bought her some Berripop frozen yogurt (yes, I work there and yes, I get 50% off... that's not the point), and made her a Coffee-vanilla cake.
She loved everything. It just shows that you don't have to buy a very nice, expensive gift to please others. Which is good, because I'm pretty poor.

Even poorer now that I am unemployed.
My friends ask: "What happened?"
I reply: "I quit."
"Well, my parents didn't like me closing at 11:30 on Saturday nights, I'm going to be busy in the summer with school stuff, and I was getting burnt out."
But man, I sure am going to miss the free fro-yo.

Another interesting update- I asked a guy to a school dance!
SO WEIRD. I never asked a guy to anything before.
What's strange is that it didn't seem that big of a deal. If he had rejected me, I'd feel disappointed, but not devastated.
If you came up to me 2-3 years ago and told me that I would be asking a guy out to a dance, I would've given you an odd look. Like this ---> o__O

This is how I bribed him to go with me:
1. I baked some Cinnamon-Maple granola and tossed in chopped dried figs and goji berries. The guy eats really healthy, so I thought this was a good idea. .
2. I put it in an airtight container and wrote the ingredients on a small square of paper. The last ingredient said, "Fine Arts Banquet?" ->flip
3. On the back, it said: To: (his name), From: (my name). It also had a ninja panda on it.
4. I put it in a paper bag with clouds on it because he introduced me to a song titled, 'Little Fluffy Clouds' by The Orb. Heh.

He accepted- in person- and gave me a hug. Aww. So sweet.
Then he gave me a ride to my baking and catering class because my friend ditched me.
His car is very clean and smells nice. YES! Finally, a boy whose car doesn't smell like sweaty gym socks and Axe deodorant.
The dance is next Friday.
I may upload pictures. =)